Thursday, June 4, 2009

Soup and Salad Day

This morning I slept in. Easy to do when you work nights (only 3 a week, so today was a day off for me)...I was feeling tired so I just went with it. I got up around 10 and the birds were chirping away. The doggies were wanting to play and go outside. So we did!

I guess I had sort of "brunch" then...I was planning on going to the gym around 1pm so I wanted something light to eat. I had this soup with a piece of garlic sprouted toast. I swirled the toast in the soup so it had a hint of garlic in it...Yum!

I also had this

I love these little guys. Oh on the top is a smiley can you not feel happy drinking out of that!

I went to the gym and learned how to set the weight machines for me. I rode the reclined bike for 15 minutes, my right leg was a tidge sore from yesterday. But I need to strengthen it for my knee which is an old injury from skiing freestyle (bumps) in high school. Then I walked on the treadmill (after they showed me how to start it) for 15 minutes and called it a day. I don't want to overdo it on my leg at first and totally hurt my knee and not want to go back.

For dinner I made this yummy salad

it has the left over chicken from my kabobs last night. It was so so good the second time around too! I will have to get more of those little guys! They also had steaks and pork loins too, I bet those are quite good as well!

After my salad I made a smoothie with my pina colada spiru-tein, a banana, rice milk, flax meal, and frozen fruit

It was very good!

Because I ate very early at 4pm, I am hungry now at I have some broccoli and carrots roasting in my toaster oven.

Check out Sara's Sweet Lips for a 200th post give away! Its a good one!

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